Are Beans High in Carbs? Beans in keto – Best Diabetic Diet Essentials

Beans in keto diet

Today, we are talking about beans. I know a lot of you love beans, and there are some rumors out there that say, “Oh, don’t eat beans. It raises your blood sugar.” Well, let’s talk about this and see if it’s correct. Beans are delicious, and many people love them, especially if you have Hispanic heritage. I love beans too. It’s a part of the Mediterranean diet and is very healthy. Now, do beans spike your blood sugar? Yes, if you eat a lot of them, anything with a lot of carbs will spike your blood sugar.

But why are beans not a bad food for diabetes, and what are all the health benefits? Let’s talk about that.

Are beans in keto bad for diabetes?

Beans in keto are good because they are a great source of protein, and there’s no fat in them. When you’re eating red meat, you’re having a lot of saturated fat that comes with it. There are some carcinogenic factors that come with red meat, especially processed red meat.

With beans, you’re getting a lot of protein and fiber, which is very important to slow digestion and prevent blood sugar spikes. One-third cup of beans is typically around 15 grams of carbs. If you’re having a whole cup of beans in keto, you’re getting 45 grams of carbs, which puts you at the maximum limit of carbohydrates for your meal.

If you’re having beans and no rice, that’s acceptable. But if you’re putting your beans on top of rice or having bread with your beans, that’s going to spike your blood sugar. It is important to exercise caution when choosing the foods that you consume in conjunction with beans.


Are Beans in keto High in Carbs? Diabetic Diet Essentials!


In Mediterranean countries, they cook beans and season them with olive oil and spices. It goes great next to red meat as well. Instead of having your potato, having some beans next to your meat may be a great alternative as well. The glycemic index of beans is not that high, but the glycemic load can be high if you’re eating more than one cup of it. This means that while beans may not cause a spike in blood sugar levels, consuming a large portion can still have a significant impact on overall blood sugar.


Beans are also rich in vitamins and minerals such as folate, iron, copper, manganese, potassium, and vitamin K. When you have beans in keto at a reasonable amount, you’re getting a lot of vitamins and minerals, a lot of fiber, and a good amount of protein. There are also a lot of studies showing that eating beans in keto can reduce the risk of colon cancer. Eating beans regularly can be a simple yet effective way to lower the risk of colon cancer.

As you know, diabetics have a high risk of cancer, so having high fiber foods in your diet such as beans will help reduce the risk of colon cancer as well. The high fiber content in beans can prevent the formation of cancerous cells in the colon of diabetics.

Downside of beans in keto

The downside of beans is that if you’re not used to them, you will have a lot of flatulence and gas, which may be annoying, especially in the beginning. If you’re not a bean eater and you just get pumped up and want to go get some beans today, you may want to start slowly because those beans can even create abdominal cramps if you’re not used to them.

Start with one-third cup of beans, and if you want more later, you can definitely have more up to one cup of beans next to your healthy meat.

I hope that helps you guys, and if it does, remember to give a thumbs up, share, comment, and we will see you in the next video.


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