Keto Coffee Jello Dessert | 1g NET Carb | Tastes Like Boba #Shorts
This Keto Coffee Jello Dessert is a wonderful coffee dessert on it’s own and also the perfect addition to your favourite milk tea or iced coffee. At 1g net carb, it is sugar free, keto friendly and super simple to make…it tastes like Boba
Nutritional Information per Cup:
Cal: 431| Net Carb: 1g | Fibre: 1g | Total Carbs: 2g | Fat: 48g | Protein: 4g
4 cups of hot fresh Coffee
3 tbsp unflavoured Gelatine
Optional: Sweetener
½ cup Heavy Cream
1 tbsp Sweetener
Pinch of Vanilla
Optional: Sugar Free Caramel
METHOD: For the best results please follow the tutorial provided in the video.
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Copyright © 2021 Cook with Mel. All rights reserved.
No part of this video (including thumbnail images or written recipe) may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the copyright holder.
Disclaimer: Please note I am not a medical or nutritional professional, I am simply sharing keto recipes I have found worth sharing, not only my own, but others too. The nutrition information I provide is calculated using the app My Fitness Pal, however you should be calculating this on your own as nutrition does differ between brands.
Keto-Kaffee-Jello-Dessert | 1g Netto-Kohlenhydrate
Dieses Keto Coffee Jello Dessert ist ein wunderbares Kaffeedessert für sich allein und auch die perfekte Ergänzung zu Ihrem Lieblingsmilchtee oder Eiskaffee. Mit 1 g Netto-Kohlenhydraten ist es zuckerfrei, ketofreundlich und super einfach zuzubereiten… es schmeckt wie Boba.
Café Céto Gelée Dessert | 1g NET de glucides
Ce dessert Keto Coffee Jello est un merveilleux dessert au café en soi et le complément parfait à votre thé au lait ou café glacé préféré. À 1 g de glucides nets, il est sans sucre, compatible avec le céto et super simple à préparer… il a le goût de Boba
Postre de gelatina de café keto | 1 g de carbohidratos netos
Este postre de gelatina de café Keto es un maravilloso postre de café por sí solo y también el complemento perfecto para su té con leche favorito o café helado. Con 1 g de carbohidratos netos, no contiene azúcar, es cetogénico y es muy fácil de preparar … sabe a Boba
Кето Кофе Джелло Десерт | 1 г чистых углеводов
Этот десерт с кето-кофе и желе – сам по себе замечательный кофейный десерт, а также прекрасное дополнение к вашему любимому чаю с молоком или кофе со льдом. При 1 г чистых углеводов он не содержит сахара, подходит для кето-диеты и очень прост в приготовлении … на вкус как Боба
Inspired by KETOCOFFEEANDLIPSTICK on Instagram.
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