the keto chef rob
Easy Cinnamon Sticks | Keto Baking | Low Carb Dessert |
Easy Cinnamon Sticks | Keto Baking | Low Carb Dessert |. I made these sweet treats, sugar-free cinnamon sticks. This is a quick low carb dessert. If yo…
Fisherman’s Eggs | Tasty Sardine Low Carb Breakfast |
Healthy good fats for breakfast. Easy recipe to start your day. Fisherman’s eggs taste amazing and are nutritious. Sardines! Fisherman’s eggs: 2 medium – Shallots 1 can – Sardines (in olive oil) 3 cloves – Garlic 1 bunch – Parsley 3 medium – Eggs 1) Drain the can into a hot cast iron pan. Hold […]