Keto Mulberry Frozen Custard | Keto Mulberry Ice Cream | Keto Desserts

Keto Mulberry Frozen Custard | Keto Mulberry Ice Cream | Keto Desserts

Keto Ice Creams aren’t something you think possible. That is what a friend who has been doing keto said. He thought it was the normal ice cream and loved it. This is a keto mulberry frozen custard. It is an ice cream but even better. It is made from a custard base and the custard base is made from egg yolks. Could there be a more perfect recipe for an ice cream that is keto!

I have used mulberry to make this berry frozen custard, but you can use any berries available to you. In India there it is very difficult to find fresh berries all year round. This is the right time to enjoy them and I am making all kind of desserts out of them. My frozen custards are my favourite keto desserts. Especially when made with berries they taste almost like a regular dessert. The fruit sugar cuts down on the quantity of sweetener and that makes it more natural tasting. And that is why I have found that on keto, berry desserts are some of the most delicious.

This recipe can be modified to make any other flavoured frozen custard. If you are omitting the berries then you can add more sweetener and some flavouring of your choice. A pure keto vanilla frozen yogurt is also absolutely delicious. I have shared a coconut cream cheese frozen yogurt. You can check that recipe out too.

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