KETO CLAFOUTIS RECIPE | Quick & Easy Cherry Clafoutis | Low Carb Tasty Dessert

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KETO CLAFOUTIS RECIPE | Quick & Easy Cherry Clafoutis | Low Carb Tasty Dessert

Here’s a spin on a French classic – Clafoutis. Instead of using all purpose flour, use almond flour. It doesn’t have as much body, but the flavor is AMAZING!

The blend of almond flour and cherries is well balanced. I also switched out the sugar with 100% erythritol to lower the amount of carbs. Honestly, it tastes better with sugar but if you are really watching your carb intake, it’s pretty good.

WHY IS THIS CLAFOUTIS SO FLAT? Normally clafoutis is a fair amount thicker than what you are seeing in this video. That’s because both sugar and AP flour act as a lovely lattice that gives support and structure to desserts, resulting in thick fluffy desserts.

My goal with this Keto Clafoutis was to make a tasty dessert with a few carbs as possible. Something had to get sacrificed! Height and fluffiness got kicked to the curb. Sad, but true.

Fortunately though, this tastes way better than it looks. If you are tired of eating FAT BOMBS but are craving something SWEET that has nearly 0 Carbs and is truly satisfying, make this keto clafoutis.

Keeping it keto today! This is a custard like (a bit like flan, but just a bit) dessert that’s a spin on the classic French clafoutis. It’s made with cherries but you can use any fruit you like. I’ve seen it made with strawberries, peaches, raspberries, blackberries, fig, plums, and even bananas.

Traditionally clafoutis is made with cherries that have NOT been pitted. Have you ever bit down hard on a cherry and got a rude jolt when you clamped down on the pit??? No fun. That’s why I recommend pitting your cherries with a cherry pitter or grab a can of Bing cherries at the store. No pits = pure bliss!!!


Preheat oven to 375F

Butter a pie dish and set aside.

In a bowl mix together: 1/2 cup almond flour, 1/4 cup baking Truvia or Splenda, 2 eggs, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 cup heavy cream, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1 Tbs melted butter.

Pour into pie dish and dot in cherries.

Bake for 35-40 minutes until clafoutis has set.

Top with whip cream or powdered sugar!

( I used 100% erythritol in this video and I like Truvia and baking splenda better).

TRADITIONAL CHERRY CLAFOUTIS RECIPE (not gluten free, not keto, but still fairly low carb and low fat)

Preheat oven to 375F

Butter a pie dish and set aside.

In a bowl mix together: 1/2 cup all purpose flour, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 cup milk, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1 Tbs melted unsalted butter.

Pour into pie dish and dot in 1 1/2 cup cherries.

Bake for 35-40 minutes or until clafoutis has set.

Let cool completely. Top with whip cream or powdered sugar! (A bit of lemon zest on top is also nice)

cherry clafoutis gluten free cherry recipes how to cook dessert recipes cherry clafoutis recipe keto clafoutis cherry clafoutis keto low carb desserts low carb desserts easy low carb desserts with almond flour keto desserts with almond flour keto dessert recipes easy keto dessert tasty keto desserts easy quick keto dessert with heavy whipping cream

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